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Long Slow Target

"A thrilling, yet hilarious memoir of a young naval officers life abord an amphibious ship in Vietnam. A love story, with all its up and downs, and feeling of loss when it ends - except it's about a ship."
- Ron McManus
Vietnam Veteran & Award Winning Author
Long Slow Target | Larry Allen Lindsey
Author Larry Allen Lindsey

Meet The Author

A retired naval officer and Vietnam veteran, Larry Allen Lindsey did his undergraduate studies at Princeton and his master’s work at Kent State. During his military career he was stationed overseas in Spain, Okinawa, Guam, and Vietnam. Stateside he had tours of duty in Mississippi, Ohio, Virginia, and California. He has served on the worst riding ship in the Navy, a World War II LST (the same ship that landed his father at Normandy) and the best riding ship in that same Navy, a modern aircraft carrier. He was also attached to both the Seabees and the Marines. Larry currently resides in sunny San Diego, America’s finest city.